Cultivating Intellectual Wellness

23 Ways to Cultivate Intellectual Wellness

The Need to Cultivate Intellectual Wellness

You finally have some free time to hang out with your friends and can’t wait to talk about ANYTHING other than work or kids — but unfortunately, that’s all you end up doing.

Do you ever feel like you have nothing else to talk about?

When was the last time you challenged your mind or learned something new?

During the Exploring Wellness series, we learned how important Intellectual Wellness is and how it affects our well-being.

Consider how much learning and growing you did as a child and young adult.

How much do you do now?

Luckily, it’s super easy to get back into the swing of things without having to go back to school — unless that’s part of your well-life vision.

In this post, we’ll review 23 easy ways to Cultivate Intellectual Wellness that you can do right now.

Let’s get started!

23 Ways to Cultivate Intellectual Wellness


1.Read a book for pure pleasure. This can be a book you’ve already read or something new, but you should look forward to it each day.

2. Research a topic you are interested in. I don’t mean clicking on endless internet links, but actually reading credible sources about something you find interesting.

3. Read a book to learn something new. This could be a parenting book, biography, or about your new favorite hobby.

4. Listen to a book or podcast. If sitting down to read is not your thing, then I highly recommend checking out some audiobooks and podcasts. You can learn or be entertained while working out, commuting, grocery shopping, folding laundry, or cleaning the house. The possibilities are endless. Just be aware that dividing your attention is not always helpful or advisable, so use caution.

5. Expand your vocabulary. Try using a “Word of the Day” app or something similar. Look up words or phrases you don’t understand. Keep a notebook near your favorite reading spot, so you can jot down words to look up later.


6. Learn a new hobby. Maybe you’ve always wanted to knit a sweater or get really good at Euchre. Get after it!

7. Learn about your favorite beverage or cocktail. Have you always fancied yourself as a connoisseur of coffee or an amateur sommelier? Here’s your chance to start learning

8. Learn a new language. Even though your brain may be past this sensitive period, you can still learn a new language. Start with the basics and before you know it, you’ll have vocabulary Post-its all over your house.

9. Be an informed consumer. Read about the products you use and businesses you patronize.

10. Listen to a different kind of music. Maybe you are a hard core country fan or only listen to pop music. Give classical a try. It doesn’t matter what it is, just try something new.

11. Learn about another culture. Even though it seems like the world is getting smaller, it is still a big place with a lot of people living in different ways. The more we understand each other, the better.

12. Become an expert on a topic. This could be work-related or not. Choose something you are curious about and learn as much as you can. Expect this to be a long-term investment, so choose something you find incredibly interesting.

13. Watch a documentary. ACTIVLEY watch a documentary so you can learn. That means you are mindfully present and really listening, not just sitting near the TV while a documentary is on.

14. Watch a TED talk. I love TED talks. You can learn so much in such a short period of time.

Exercise Your Cognitive Skills

15. Do a crossword, sudoku, or logic puzzle. A puzzle that challenges your brain and forces you to recall information, problem solve, and use math is helpful.

16. Play a game of trivia. Again, anything with memory recall gets a thumbs-up.

17. Skip auto correct and fix your own spelling errors. Challenging, I know, but does anyone else feel like they are forgetting how to spell?

18. Skip the calculator and bust out your math skills. It’s ok if you need scrap paper and a pencil — with an eraser. At least you’re doing it, right?!

19. Take a different route to school/work/store. The monotony of taking the same routes every day can lead to autopilot and distracted driving. Be adventurous and take in the scenery of a new location. Maybe it won’t be as efficient, but you’ll be glad for an alternative route if traffic is ever backed-up.

Open Your Mind

20. Have a conversation with someone who has a different point of view than you and ACTUALLY listen to what they are saying. I mean an intelligent conversation, not an argument. This is about opening your mind and considering all sides of an issue.

21. Take an interest in local, national, and world news. Know what is going on around you and around the world. Do some research and try to find network or source that is politically neutral. Although, this can be quite challenging in itself.

22. Consider an opinion you feel strongly about and prepare for a debate. Write down your own viewpoints and why you feel that way, then take the opposition and do the same. Most likely your opinion won’t change, but perhaps you’ll be able to understand someone else’s viewpoint and/or feel stronger in your convictions.

23. Become a patron of “the arts”. What kind of opportunities do you have in your area for experiencing art, theater, or music? Even high school concerts or community events can be inspiring and educational.

Keep it Simple and Fun.

Did anything sound interesting to you?

Cultivating Intellectual Wellness should not feel like an obligation or one more thing you have to do, but something that you ENJOY.

There are endless possibilities out there for refining your mind. The idea is to find something that you are curious or excited about.

Sometimes we get so caught up in the demands of life, that we forget that we need to feed our minds and exercise our brains, especially if you want to have something other than work or kids to talk about.

For more on how to Cultivate Intellectual Wellness, check out this week’s YouTube video.

So, how do you plan to add a little Intellectual Wellness to your life? Please share in the comments below!