Your Well-Life Vision
In my coaching practice, I refer to living your well-life vision often, but what does that mean exactly? If you guessed it was something like a personal vision statement, you would be on the right track, but with a focus on health and wellness.
What is a Well-Life Vision?
Your well-life vision is the life you picture for yourself having once achieved your goals for personal health and wellness.
For example, consider how your life would look if you finally quit smoking, got your dream job, started a travel blog, or finished your first 5k.
What would it feel like to achieve these goals?
How would achieving these goals affect the rest of your life?
What would it feel like to live the life you fantasize about?
Your Perfect Life
There is no such thing as a perfect life. There will always be stress, misfortune, loss, and setbacks. These are unavoidable parts of the human experience.
But we do have the power of choice.
In nearly every situation, we can choose how we respond to our circumstances and how to move forward.
So, why not make choices that take you one step closer to living your well-life vision?
Of course, there are exceptions, but for the most part we do have some control over our habits and how we spend our time and money. It all comes down to our values and priorities.
Consider what is ACTUALLY important to you. It’s easy to let past failures, fear of change, or the influence of others dictate our decisions, but we each have the power to make our own way and design our own lives.
If you want to live an unconventional life, you will have to let go of conventional living.
The hard part is that you must be willing to make sacrifices.
Especially if your well-life vision goes against the grain or would be totally different from what everyone else is doing. If you want to live an unconventional life, you will have to let go of conventional living.
Making Choices
Take a good look at your personal circumstances and barriers. What stands in the way of you living your well-life vision? Time? Money? Children in school?
What choices do you have? What changes can you make?
Get Creative
- Stop watching TV. It sounds crazy, but think of the time you would get back if you gave this up for awhile.
- Wake up early to fit in meditation, workouts, family time, new business ventures, etc.
- Make your coffee and meals at home instead of eating (and drinking) out and stick to a budget.
- Sell things you no longer need or use and choose to purchase second-hand when possible.
- Become a one-vehicle family and/or use public transportation.
- Consider the cost of childcare vs. a parent staying home or working part-time.
- Consider working from home and/or homeschooling if travel is part of your vision or if you just want to see your loved ones more than just a few hours in the morning and evening.
- Downsize to a smaller home and/or move to a new location to reduce mortgage and utility expenses.
- Connect with people who have done what you want to do or will support your efforts.
Learn to Let Go
We often assume that our lives need to look a certain way or that we need to do everything accordinging to a traditional roadmap, but we don’t.
There are plenty of examples out there of people doing it their own way.
Depending on how drastically your life would change to live your well-life vision, you may get some pushback.
Your life may look different from the lives of friends and family. Other people may not understand or belittle your choices. Maybe some will take personal offense.
Please do not let this stop you from pursuing your vision.
An important, albeit difficult, lesson in behavior change, is knowing when to let go of things, opinions, or sometimes people that no longer align with your goals, values, and priorities.
Making It Happen
If everything you wished you could do with your life, finally became possible, what would you be willing to sacrifice to make it happen?
The idea you hold in your mind’s eye of your perfect life, does not have to stay a fantasy.
When you narrow in on your priorities and start breaking them down into small manageable steps, the impossible starts to seem possible.
As long as you focus on your priorities and have the courage to make big changes, you can live your well-life vision.